Board of directors

With sales of 721 million euros, the Robertet Group has posted satisfactory results, outperforming the market and in line with our objective of organic growth in excess of 5% over the next few years.
In 2023, Robertet has continued to expand, setting up operations in strategic geographical areas such as South-East Asia, and remaining focused on Natural products, with a genuine desire to remain a “pure player” in a changing competitive environment.
Our independence and agility enable us to differentiate ourselves with new products and technologies, but above all to maintain a strong presence with our customers, providing them with tailor-made support.
As an agent of change, we continue to work for a more responsible world and to share with all our partners our concern for living beings, by reducing our ecological footprint and giving priority to people, our industry’s main resource.
I would like to salute the strong commitment of our employees, the support of our shareholders and the renewed confidence of our customers, all of which contribute to the enduring success of our business model.
Deputy Chairman of the Board and member of the CSR Committee
Member of the Audit Committee
Chairwoman of the compensation and CSR Committees
Chairwoman of the Audit Committee
Member of the compensation and CSR Committees
Société Maubert S.A represented by Mr. Elie Vanier