Deputy Chairman of the Board and member of the CSR Committee
Christophe Maubert is recognized for his outstanding achievements for the Perfumery Division within the Robertet Group.
He holds an influential position on the Board of Directors, where he is Vice-Chairman and a member of the CSR Committee.
His career with the Group began in 1983, when he took on various responsibilities, developing in-depth expertise in the industry. In 1993, he became Director of the Paris office, then in 1995, Director of Robertet UK. In 1997, he took charge of the Fragrance Division at Group level, and subsequently of the US subsidiary for over 10 years.
He has been a board member of IFRA (International Fragrance Association) for 20 years. This opportunity has enabled him to represent and defend the interests of natural products within this association, which plays an essential role in drawing up professional regulations for the fragrance industry.