Dimpless: Cellulite

Dimpless is a natural nutricosmetic ingredient
that targets cellulite. For visibly smoother skin.
Cellulite is a structural and biochemical disorder of adipose tissue, visually characterized by an irregular, dimpled skin surface: the famous peau d’orange effect. With 85-90% of post-adolescent women affected, regardless of geographical origin, dermatologists describe cellulite as a normal physiological condition.
However, while from a medical point of view cellulite is not considered a serious condition, for women it is the most widespread aesthetic concern, perceived as unattractive and a source of complexes, discomfort and a significant reduction in quality of life.
From a physiological point of view, cellulite refers to a protrusion of subcutaneous fat into the dermis, characterized by a visible change in skin topography1. The appearance of cellulite is closely linked to two physiological phenomena, both associated with a state of oxidative stress:
– Fat accumulation in adipose tissue, leading to adipocyte hypertrophy.
– Fibrosis of connective tissue.
In certain areas of the body, such as women’s hips and thighs, the atypical morphology of adipose tissue favors lipid storage, leading to tensile forces within the fat lobules and increased oxidative stress.
This accumulation of fat and free radicals leads to the destruction of collagen fibers and the development of fibrosis, limiting the evagination of fat lobules. The protrusion of the lobules into the dermis then leads to the appearance of an “orange peel” skin appearance.
While a wide range of anti-cellulite solutions are available today, most of them topical and mechanical, very few have been scientifically proven effective.
Cosmetic products on the market today, though abundant, are often disappointing for users. Physical and mechanical treatments, on the other hand, are not only invasive and costly, but also benefit from very little feedback and efficacy data.
According to the experts, effective treatment of cellulite, a multifactorial disorder, requires multiparametric action targeting the various components of the disorder.
Thanks to its systemic mode of action, nutricosmetics thus appears to be a promising solution to such a complex aesthetic disorder.