Legal notices

Legal notices

ROBERTET SA, a publicly traded company headquartered at 37 Avenue Sidi Brahim in Grasse, with a capital of 5,763,972.50 euros, registered under the number RCS Grasse 415 750 660, is the publisher of the ROBERTET website. Phone: +33 (0)4 93 40 33 66

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CNIL Registration Number: 1014998

The ROBERTET website is a work of the mind protected by intellectual property laws.

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The trademarks and domain names that appear on the ROBERTET website are the exclusive property of ROBERTET. Any reproduction or use of these trademarks or domain names, in any manner and under any title, is prohibited.

The creation of hypertext links to the ROBERTET website can only be done with the written and prior authorization of ROBERTET. ROBERTET declines all responsibility concerning the content of sites linked to the ROBERTET website.

ROBERTET has made every effort to ensure that the information accessible through its website is accurate. However, we do not guarantee in any way that this information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

ROBERTET provides no warranty, express or implied, regarding all or part of its website.

Under no circumstances can ROBERTET be held liable for any direct or indirect damage of any kind arising from the use of its website.

Photo credits: ©Stéphane Martinelli, ©Sylvain Hart, ©Studio 500 gram, ©Roman Jehanno