
As natural raw materials are our purpose, protecting the environment is essential to us. This protection means ensuring the economic and social development of local communities and our own industry. It is part and parcel of a broad and unconditional concern for people.
Initiated in 2008, our Corporate Social Responsability approach is the fruit of close collaboration between all our strategic departments. It is governed by two CSR Committees, one within the Executive Committee , and the other within our Board of Directors. Every year, Robertet reports on its progress and its social, environmental and societal performance in a dedicated CSR report.
To source, transform and create products that make nature and communities thrive.
Reflecting our unique SEED TO SCENT model, our sustainable development strategy is based on three pillars that incorporate sourcing raw materials, processing them at our production sites, and creating innovative products. These three pillars are made possible by the unique know-how developed by Robertet over more than 150 years in the cultivation, extraction and development of natural products. All this is supported by a CSR governance system and a commitment to transparency with regard to our social and environmental impacts, which we strive to improve year on year.
Robertet is a member of a number of international associations and organizations which aim to boost companies’ awareness of CSR issues. In addition, the Group voluntarily undergoes a number of external assessments, notably by CDP and EcoVadis, the latest results of which are presented below.
We work to raise sustainability standards in our supply chains through extensive traceability, CSR assessments of our supply chains and suppliers, and a proactive approach to audits and certifications. As leaders in natural products, we have a duty to protect and restore biodiversity, particularly in our strategic natural supply chains. This desire to regenerate nature cannot be achieved without an inclusive social approach, which aims to work with our partners to improve the living conditions of producers and their communities.
Once raw materials have been sourced from all over the world, it is our responsibility to adopt processes and methods for extracting and transforming products that are as respectful as possible of both the environment and of people. We are committed to mitigating climate change and preserving natural resources, especially water. At the same time, we aim to promote the health, safety, well-being and professional development of all our employees, so that Robertet is a family business where life is good.
Our desire to explore and innovate with nature goes hand in hand with an approach aimed at offering our customers products with higher added value, from an environmental and/or social point of view. We want to innovate by developing products that are certified, upcycled, low-carbon or based on the principles of green chemistry. We also want to innovate by creating new sensory solutions that benefit consumers’ health and well-being, in line with market trends.